Sunday, February 27, 2011

Memoir: The beginning

Like all days in the math classroom: -¿Qué tu miras? ¡Ahh! ¿Te gusto?
- ¡Já, Ni que mirándola yo, yo no sé que se están creyendo estas!
So it was, day by day, we had a different problem. Neither group wanted to change their attitudes. After a several months, our health teacher realized that there were no changes and problems did not diminish. That’s when the health teacher discussed this issue with us. We sat forming a circle and the teacher was in the middle of the circle, looking for any reaction from us. The teacher started to ask what the reason of the problems we had was.
Jazmin start to talk: - “Maestra el problema es que ellas se creen que son las dueñas de la escuela”.
Maran, -Si maestra y Mylee me mira mal.
I: No, teacher, that’s not true, I’m serious. Not all the time I'll have a smile and less to people that I don’t have communication.
When we started to talk and see the stupidity we had, we realized that we had to grow up. In that moment began to flow forgiveness, tears and feelings were let out. The group 11-5 began to get along and great friendship flourished. After that day I had new friends that today are unique ones. Diversity of tastes and personalities has shown me that it is a key point for friends to have that friendship is a feeling fed by, tolerance and respect. This lifetime experience made me grow and it strengthen my values. 

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